Welcome to TE Splash!

New Members (Splashers) welcome to join!
Join NOW to get a Free 6 Month Upgrade! (SPECIAL)
Return to the Front pageJoin our Splash Traffic Exchange for freeSplashers can add advertisements, view others ads, and much more here.General price informationGeneral Information about the site and its ownersInformation about networks we participate inView our list of the most active, most productive membersNews, Frequently Asked Questions, and Contest information
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Get on board with TE Splash

We have a page called Splasher Quotes, if you are interested in what other members are saying about our exchange.

This site only advertises Splash  & Squeeze Pages for  Splashing(surfing)!
Do not submit anything else.
New Signups are upgraded for 6 Months to level 1
But you must Splash minimum 100 pages/Month to get monthly Bonuses!

New Splashers must Splash 250 sites to be validated!
(Could take up to 15 minutes to verify after Splashing!)

Get Splashers traveling to your site(s) in 4 steps

  1. Fill out the form on the 'sign up / join' page
  2. Wait for our confirmation email - it usually arrives in just a minute or two
    1. Click on the confirmation link on the email, or
    2. If the email doesn't have a clickable link in it, come back here and fill in the 'sign up / confirm' page
  3. Wait for the welcome email.  If your verification code is correct, it might take up to 15 minutes!
    1. This contains your password (if you provided a password when you signed up, you don't have to wait)
  4. Sign in, and add your sites
    • Free splashers can have up to 3 sites listed
    • You can also upgrade to a higher membership level at this time, if you wish more sites or more control.

Then, start building up credits, so that your sites continue to display

  • Splash for credits:
    • Auto Splashing: Free members earn 0.80 credits per visit, on a 15-second timer
    • Manual Splashing: Free members earn 0.65 credit per visit (manual surf), on a 10-second timer
    • Professional memberships earn more credits (up to 2) per visit
    • Professional memberships have have shorter (faster) timers (down to 7 seconds)
    • Enhance your earnings an additional 5% by allowing a weekly email from your upline splasher.


  • Advertise for credits:
    • Free members earn 0.75 credits per unique visitor in a 24-hour period
    • People that join after seeing your referral page earn you 100 credits upon confirmation
    • You receive a weekly bonus of 3% of all your referral's splashing earnings, 1 level deep


  • Become a banner exchange website:
    • Add some code to your websites' pages that displays our banner exchange splashers' banners, and you can earn 0.1 to 0.15 credits per impression


  • Become a text-ad exchange website:
    • Add some code to your websites' pages that displays our text-ad exchange splashers' text ads, and you can earn 0.05 credits per impression (up to 8 impressions per page!).

About Us - Our Site Map

This Traffic Exchange is NOT an Internet Investment Businesses. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

This site is a member of the aWolfPack TEN Traffic Exchange Network
This site is powered by Xtream Global Scripts Software v2.1.6.3d
This site is protected by (and uses) Site Scanner Pro